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much more中文,much more的意思,much more翻譯及用法

2024-06-30 22:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

yet, there is so much more we have to do.


they get so much more from every sip than the rest of us get by downing an entire bottle (well, except the drunkenness…that’s something we have over them and their sip).


the flexible form of the display makes it much more portable that any current mobile computer - it will shape with your pocket.


we expect much more of ourselves than we do of others, and this often leads to dissatisfaction as we forget to celebrate each success and just push those goal posts out a bit further.


knowing what you do, life is going to be much more interesting and enjoyable for a programmer.


i can see a tree and not have to name it, i can see a bird and really see it, i can see the sky and see that it is much more than the word sky in my mind, i experience it as it is.


but even though we’ve made significantprogress, there is much more to do.


for appliances with the ao feature, the load balancing configuration on the device becomes much more dynamic and intelligent.


your code can be more polymorphic -- everything that responds to a method can be treated as one type -- so you can often express ideas much more concisely than you can in other languages.

您的代碼可以更加具有多態性 ——任何對一種類型的方法有反應的對象都可以看作這種類型 ——所以通常可以比其他語言更精簡地表達思想。

we have already made the largest investment in clean energy in history, but there is much more to do to build on this foundation.


「you see much more here than in europe, [where] we have a different attitude about car[s],」 he continued.


but we have to hold them much more accountable.


but although he still likes a drink and a smoke, he seems to have become so much more mature.


i know you want to stay close to family, but believe me, your future is much more important.


however, systems engineering teams can realize so much more value from that investment by describing a systems architecture early in the system lifecycle.


however, mac can actually do much more than that.


next week he should dare to make himself much more unpopular on the left.


life is a web, not a tree, which means he future of biology is much more interesting than anyone had dared to hope.


but i felt like i had much more downtime, and the vacation seemed longer to me as well.


there is so much more about arts and design than we think we know.


i found english much more difficult to learn.


three of our predictable irrationalities give the swine flu story much more impact than it should have — and in this case, it would be better if we were more rational.





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